Irish gal living the American dream in Austin, Texas y'all!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Half marathon for a great cause

Howdy Friends!

I have just signed up to run a half marathon in July, in aid of Chron's and colitis disease research with The Chron's and Colitis Foundation of America. Thankfully, I don't have any personal experience with either of these conditions but they really are horrible diseases of the intestines. There is bleeding and excessive trips to the bathroom involved .. some of our runners went through times where they had up to thirty no. 2's  a day! Imagine.. most of us experience that once of twice in our lives (and not THAT any trips) with a bout of food poisoning, but these people go through it constantly! I won't go in to any more details in case you're eating your cornflakes while you read this :)

The real scary part is that young children are being diagnosed now, and they have impaired growth because of it.. so that's why awareness and research is needed... pronto! If you're interested in any additional information on the condition check out the Chron's and Colitis Foundation of America website.

While I initially signed up  for the fitness challenge (on a whim, this past Wednesday), after meeting the other runners in the Austin branch I can't not do this.. we have one girl who has to poop into a bag...if she can run a half marathon and get out of bed at 6AM to train then I have no excuse!

I hope that this will inspire you to give whatever you can to such a great cause. My target is $4,500 - very daunting, so if anyone has any bright ideas for ways to fundraise then I'm all ears! As a little thank you, each of you that donates over $20 will get their choice of a pair of earrings or Texas Barbecue rub.. something for the ladies and also the lads...oh and both will be made by me!

Here is the link to my fundraising page:

I will be blogging updates of my training if you are interested ( Training in Texas is going to involve a lot of pre-dawn runs since it gets so hot here in the Summer!

Thanks for reading y'all!


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